Address: 255 East Ave
Rochester, NY, 14607
Phone: 585-241-8628
Fax: 585-461-0912
Director/Person-in-Charge: Sapir Soble, CHAI Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year Established: 1984
Type of Organization: Resource Center; Library: 1200 volumes catalogued; 400 videotapes catalogued; Archive: 60 audiotapes and 70 videotapes catalogued
Mission: The Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester works to build a strong Jewish future in Rochester, Israel and Worldwide through philanthropy, engagement, education and advocacy.
Services: Speakers' bureau; Curriculum guides; Teacher training; Exhibits, Poster Series; Public programs; Survivor Files; Curriculum consultation; Study Guides to accompany audio-video materials; Student workshops; Traveling Trunks
Publications: Choosing Courage, videotape and accompanying study guide about a local family of Dutch rescuers; Perilous Journeys: Personal Stories of German and Austrian Jews Who Escaped the Holocaust; Angie's Story; Online CHAI Newsletter; Web Book - Perilous Journeys (