Bristol Community College Holocaust and Genocide Center

Address: 777 Elsbree St.
Fall River, MA 02720
Phone: 508-678-2811, ext. 2444
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director/Person-in-Charge: Dr. Ron Weisberger
Principal Staff Members:
Linell Dean, Admin. Assistant
Dr. Howard Tinberg, Faculty Consultant

Year Established: 2013 

Type of Organization or Mission: The Center serves as a resource in the Southeastern Massachusetts region to provide education on the Holocaust and other genocides to middle, high school and college faculty and students as well as the general community.

Services: Speakers and conferences; Workshops on Holocaust pedagogy; A resource center with books, DVDs, online material and relevant artifacts; Support for courses on the Holocaust and other courses which integrate information on the Holocaust and other genocides.

Publications: Tinberg and Weisberger, Teaching, Learning and the Holocaust (Indiana University Press, 2014); Semi-annual newsletter

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